Official Government of Zimbabwe Web Portal


Environment, Climate and Wildlife

To manage, conserve and promote the sustainable use of natural resources and facilitate the delivery of high quality, sustainable tourism products and services that contribute to the economic development of Zimbabwe.


  • Develop, implement and monitor policies, strategies, plans and legislation on environment and natural resources issues for sustainable development;
  • Promote and facilitate investments in the Tourism sector including investment incentives designed to stimulate the production capacity of the Tourism Industry and including sector specific special economic zones;
  • Provide leadership in the advocacy, education, training and awareness of environment and natural resources issues;
  • Facilitate and coordinate capacity development in the areas of environment, natural resources management and tourism;
  • Provide technical advice and guidance to all stakeholders on environment, natural resources and tourism issues;
  • Develop, implement and review environment and tourism policies and legislation in consultation with stakeholders;
  • Oversee the development, implementation and review of the National Environmental and Tourism Master Plans and Strategies;
  • Co-ordinate transboundary management of environment and natural resources;
  • Co-ordinate the domestication and implementation of Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements (MEAs);
  • Conduct environment and natural resources research and analysis to inform sustainable development initiatives;
  • Coordinate and implement international Environment and Tourism policies, programmes and protocols with regard to the United Nations World Tourism Organisations (UNWTO), World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and environmental organisations and other relevant international bodies;

Minister, Hon. Sithembiso G.G Nyoni, M.P.