Official Government of Zimbabwe Web Portal


Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development


To promote and sustain a viable, appropriately mechanised agriculture sector in a changing climate.


Formulate, review and implement viable agricultural policies;
Develop strategies to ensure food self-sufficiency and security as well as for export;
Develop strategies to rebuild the national herd and dairy herd;
Design strategies and guidelines for the implementation of enterprise or industry specific policy objectives through the various technical departments and other major players in the agricultural sector;
Analyse, assess, monitor and evaluate the impact of the national agricultural and climate policies;
Provide agricultural engineering, mechanisation and irrigation services to the agricultural sector;
Identify and develop effective markets and marketing systems for agricultural products;
Coordinate and mainstream implementation of regional and International treaties, protocols, agreements and standards into our national laws;
Develop, implement and monitor policies on water, climate, weather and seismic issues and legislation for sustainable development;
Provide leadership in the advocacy and awareness of water, climate, weather and seismic issues;
Facilitate and coordinate capacity development in the areas of water, climate, weather and seismology; and
Participate in the development and implementation of SADC and other regional and international organisations’ water resources management frameworks.



Minister, Hon. Dr. Anxious J. Masuka

Deputy Minister, Hon. Douglous. Karoro, M.P.

Deputy Minister, Hon. Vangelis Peter. Haritatos, M.P